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本片根據真實故事改編,一群好友在一家林間的酒吧買醉慶祝,這三個死黨在酒吧裡無意間引起一場爭執,於是三人迅速乘坐他們的Saab牌房車離去。途中他們撞到了查理(藍迪奎德),他是當地的巡警,他的車似乎出了點毛病。 這三人的麻煩其實才剛剛開始,有一輛黑色的凱迪拉克向他們挑釁,要來場生死極速的賽車。很快勝負立見,他們的Saab房車駛出路面,黑色凱迪拉克卻安然無事,一副事不關己的模樣。難道他們過去曾有什麼不可告人的秘密?他們最好趕快想起來,否則離死期就不遠了。 他們被邪惡的陰影籠罩著,又找不到任何搭便車的機會,這個被命運捉弄的三人組必須跟時間競賽,迅速查出那輛黑色的龐然大物為何想致他們於死。
本片根據真實故事改編,一群好友在一家林間的酒吧買醉慶祝,這三個死黨在酒吧裡無意間引起一場爭執,於是三人迅速乘坐他們的Saab牌房車離去。途中他們撞到了查理(藍迪奎德),他是當地的巡警,他的車似乎出了點毛病。 這三人的麻煩其實才剛剛開始,有一輛黑色的凱迪拉克向他們挑釁,要來場生死極速的賽車。很快勝負立見,他們的Saab房車駛出路面,黑色凱迪拉克卻安然無事,一副事不關己的模樣。難道他們過去曾有什麼不可告人的秘密?他們最好趕快想起來,否則離死期就不遠了。 他們被邪惡的陰影籠罩著,又找不到任何搭便車的機會,這個被命運捉弄的三人組必須跟時間競賽,迅速查出那輛黑色的龐然大物為何想致他們於死。
FOX宣布续订《紧急呼救 9-1-1》第五季。
When Tory Coro turns up dead, the neighborhood turns up silent. Rumor has it she became yet another victim of the small town known as FIGHT VALLEY. Tory's sister Windsor moves to town to begin her own investigation on her sister's mysterious death after weeks of no leads from the police. She's quick to learn that Tory fought for money to make ends meet. If girl-next-door Windsor is going to make her way into FIGHT VALLEY to find the truth about Tory, she's going to have to fight her way in. "Jabs" (Miesha Tate) swore she would never throw a punch in the Valley again. Jabs now finds herself training Windsor to survive the painful, unexpected path she's about to take. Every corner. Every alley. Every doorway. She must follow the last footsteps of her sister in order to come face-to-face with Tory's killer in FIGHT VALLEY.
The striking feature film debut of writer-director Alexandre Moors, BLUE CAPRICE is a harrowing yet restrained psychological thriller about an abandoned boy lured to America into the shadows of a dangerous father figure. Inspired by true events, BLUE CAPRICE investigates the notorious and horrific Beltway sniper attacks from the point of view of the two killers, whose distorted father-son relationship facilitated their long and bloody journey across America. Marked by captivating performances by Isaiah Washington and Tequan Richmond, lyrical camerawork, and a unique and bold structure, BLUE CAPRICE documents the mechanisms that lead its subjects to embrace physical violence. BLUE CAPRICE paints a riveting portrait of 21st-century America and a haunting depiction of two cold-blooded killers that will endure long after the lights come up.
英国男孩比利•卡士柏(David Bradley 饰)生活在一个破碎的工人阶级家庭里,父亲离家出走,除母亲和哥哥外,比利也要打工贴补家用。在学校里比利捣蛋或者逃课看漫画书,从中找寻这个年龄应有的快乐。 某天他在农场高墙上发现一个鹰巢,于是从书店偷回训练猎鹰的教材,按照书本所写养了一只名为凯斯的小鹰…… 本片荣获1971年BAFTA电影奖最佳导演、最佳电影提名、最佳男配角、最佳新人、最佳编剧以及1970年卡洛维法利国际电影节水晶球奖。
Susie, a plain young country girl, secretly loves a neighbor boy, William. She believes in him and sacrifices much of her own happiness to promote his own ambitions, all without his knowledge. Eventually he rises to a position of success and sophistication, and Susie realizes that she has through her own efforts raised him to a level where he is inaccessible to her.
A young boy begins to experience the adult world as he enters adolescence.
查理( 杰克·尼科尔森 Jack Nicholson 饰)是一名冷酷的杀手,他从事这一职业已经有很多年了。查理效力于大名鼎鼎的普利策家族,这个家族藏污纳垢,干尽了丧尽天良为非作歹之事,以践踏法律和正义为荣耀。实际上,查理对这个越来越偏激和暴戾的家族充满了厌倦,他不想再过有今天没明天的生活了。
一次偶然中,查理邂逅了名为艾琳(凯瑟琳·特纳 Kathleen Turner 饰)的女子,艾琳的美丽和智慧很快就吸引了查理的注意,使他坠入了情网。实际上,艾琳也是一名杀手,惺惺相惜的两人很快就走到了一起。然而,和查理不同,艾琳选择了背叛家族,并且立刻就遭到了追杀,在爱情和道义之间,查理必须做出选择。