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  A former child star falls in love with a stuffy accountant, who wants to learn why his firm's movie studio is losing money.
犯罪现场调查 第八季
  新一季的CSI将不再使用《Who are you》作为主题曲,制片人在考虑是否把主题曲换为Clash的《我是走还是留》。  上一季的最后一集里,Sara Sidle(Joria Fox饰)被一个连环杀手设计困在了内华达沙漠中的一辆车下,倾盆大雨很快会把她给淹死,而此时Gil Grissom(William Petersen饰),她男友兼老板,还有其他办案人员正全力营救她。Sara能否闯过这一关,一是要看那辆车的状况,还一个就是要看Fox电视台能否跟这位CBS当红演员续约。Sara到底会留下来吗?  制片总监Naren Shankar 没有透露消息。他说,观众一定会对结果满意,在新的一集里,一切都会在最后时刻真相大白。  有关Sara命运的流言在整个夏天到处蔓延,有官方消息透露,在新一季的第三集会出现一个新的女性角色,制片主任Carol Mendelsohn说,这个新角色可能是现场调查人员或是技术分析人员。但同样也不肯透露Sara的命运终究如何。  Shanka在谈到9月27号新一季的的开机仪式的时候说,观众可以在这一集里发现真相。在上一季的最后一集里,杀手给Grissom留下了一个微缩的犯罪现场。第八季的第一集里,布景师在好莱坞的摄影棚里建好了一个跟原物一样大小的模型,包括用液压提起的汽车和28,000加仑的水。  Shankar多次表示他对Fox电视台是否能够接受这种拍摄手法表示怀疑。作为拍摄的重要一环,Sara被困在车下,周围都是循环流动的水。 Shankar说他有点紧张,虽然Joria是个经验老道的演员,拍摄的安全系数也几乎是百分之百,但是当你看到这种场景的时候,肚子里禁不住还是打了个结。  这也许有点使人胆战心惊,但是拍摄的时候,一些其他并不要在这个场景出演的剧组成员也来到现场观看。“他们对我们的布景感到很惊讶,”Shankar说。“他们看到拍摄现场时,都被这些东西震撼了。”感觉自己深陷其中一样。  精彩剧情,尽在金秋9月。  CSI is an innovative, new type of crime drama because the characters use cutting-edge forensic tools to examine the evidence to solve the case. Rather than a 'whodunnit' cop show (investigating witnesses/suspects), CSI explores the 'howdunnit'. CSI has been the number one scripted series in the Neilsen ratings for four years running. CSI is now heading into it's seventh, and sure to be amazing season
犯罪现场调查 第十季
  看来Sara还是耐不住寂寞,CSI的制作人们也病急乱投医,为了挽救下滑的收视率,刚刚离开该剧还不到一年的Jorja Fox正式和剧组签约,将重返CSI,在第10季中出演若干集。  据该剧的制作人Carol Mendelsohn说,对于Fox的回归他们都非常兴奋,她将在该剧于9月25日播出的新季的首集中归来,我们将会知道Sara Sidle的生活近况,以及她是因为什么再次回到拉斯维加斯的。  据传Sara将会回归出演5集,Sara都回来了,Grissom还会远吗?
犯罪现场调查 第七季
  Foul play is suspected when an apparent suicide victim still has the gun in his hand, and a flower delivery woman is found crushed to death in the middle of a Cirque du Soleil performance.
V星入侵  第二季
  Simultaneously appearing over every major city in the world, the Visitors (or V's) arrived offering us the wonders of their technology and promoting peace. While the world quickly embraced the V's as saviors in ABC's "V" (2011) TV show, an FBI Counter Terrorist Agent, and others making up the resistance group called The Fifth Column, quickly discovered that the Visitors are not who they said they were. Will humanity stop being fooled and realize the Visitors true intentions before it becomes too late and they take over Earth in "V" Season 2?
  The series follows the lives of both the family and the servants in the London townhouse at 165 Eaton Place. Richard Bellamy, the head of the household, is a member of Parliament, and his wife a member of the titled aristocracy. Belowstairs, Hudson, the Scottish butler directs and guides the other servants about their tasks and (sometimes) their proper place. Real-life events from 1903-1930 are incorporated into the stories of the Bellamy household.  高斯福德庄园里Upstairs和Downstairs的出处。讲述了二十世纪早期三十年间一个上流阶层家庭里主仆的故事。1971-1975年英国名剧,BAFTA和艾美金球等多项大奖获得者
楼上,楼下 第四季
  It's October 1914 and the war is not going well. The Germans are smashing through Belgium and the allies are in retreat. Hazel Bellamy is on a committee with Lady Prudence Fairfax to find temporary homes for the 5000 or more Belgian refugees that have come to Britain. Feeling an obligation to set an example, Hazel agrees to take in a family and expecting an aristocratic family of 3, receives an extended family of 5 peasant farmers who speak no English. They take residence in the servants' quarters but with the language barrier, it all proves to be a bit much for both sides. The servants find the refugees odd in their tastes and their refusal to take a bath in particular offends them. Rescue of a sort comes from Georgina who returns from a weekend away and having been schooled in Switzerland, is a fluent French speaker. The refugees tell her their horrific tale of death and terror at the hands of the invading Germans creating a greater understanding and a degree of empathy from the ... Written by garykmcd
  天灵灵地灵灵 求上天助我能跟喜欢的妹纸成功搭上话  别怕!姬佬们的守护天使 仙女教母降临~教你如何追到心爱的妹纸~~  鬼阿姨(教母)之爱莉与艾比~一部承载着满满正能量又不乏喜剧笑点的he团员片~值得你在临近的小长假末尾观看,嘻嘻哈哈放松心情~
拉斯维加斯 第四季
  Picking up from where the last season left off, security realizes that a gun was fired in Ed's suite, as Danny and Ed's daughter realize they have deeper feelings for each other than either of them wanted to admit. Samantha realizes what trouble she's in when one of her high roller clients rolls into the hotel's beach front resort in Hawaii and rolls up a half a million dollar bill and threatens to leave it in her lap, along with the dead stripper in his room.