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Following the crisis in Ukraine and Russia’s involvement in Syria, the world is closer to super power confrontation than at any time since the end of the Cold War. Now a committee of senior former British military and diplomatic figures comes together to war game a hypothetical ‘hot war’ in Eastern Europe, including the unthinkable - nuclear confrontation. The War Room faces a scenario that has haunted western strategists since civil war broke out in Ukraine: potential Russian military involvement in the Baltic States of Latvia and Estonia. Like Ukraine these countries have sizable Russian speaking minorities, but unlike Ukraine they are members of NATO, whose founding treaty states that an attack on one ally is an attack on all of them. Because of this, western analysts regularly war game a situation where Russia seeks to exploit ethnic tensions in the Baltic and test the strength of the NATO Alliance.
旧体制垮台,庞大的苏联成为若日黄花。在时代变革的大潮下,历史学系毕业生米沙·盖尔金(爱德·斯托帕德 Ed Stoppard 饰)在工作中发现了自己的广告创意才能,他涉足这一全新领域,经美国人鲍勃·吉本斯(杰弗里·塔伯 Jeffrey Tambor 饰)的拉拢进入美俄广告公司。经过近20年的打拼,他逐渐成为业内响当当的人物,虽然始终不能正式成为公司的合伙人,但他与鲍勃美丽的侄女艾比(莉莉·索伯斯基 Leelee Sobieski 饰) 陷入爱河,不能自拔。在一次失败的广告策划之后,米沙的事业和爱情双双跌入谷底。曾经风光的他,从没想到自己会成为他人营销策略的棋子,也深刻意识到曾引以为傲的营销才能给自己和他人带来多么大的危害。 六年后的2017年,世界发生天翻地覆的变化,而隐居荒野的米沙注定无法平凡了却此生……
剧情简介 《静脉注射》(Mainline)讲述了一对母女儿的悲惨命运。用公路电影的反映伊朗的重大的社会问题,例如毒品上瘾等。导演Rakhshan Bani-etemad和Mohsen Abdolvahab用记录片的风格描画了吸毒者的人生。 Sara是一位准新娘,但她也是一个吸毒成瘾的瘾君子。Sara远在加拿大多伦多的未婚夫并不知道这一切,还在幻想和Sara过上玫瑰般的婚姻生活。Sara的母亲,决定带女儿到康复中心戒毒。途中,母女俩遇到了意想不到的麻烦。 关于导演 女导演Rakhshan Bani-etemad于1954年出生于德黑兰。从伊朗戏剧艺术大学毕业之后,她开始为伊朗的电视台拍摄记录片。1987年Rakhshan Bani-etemad推出了她的第一部电影《Off Limits》。 1991年,她成为第一个获得德黑兰发迪尔国际电影节最佳导演奖的女导演。1995年,Rakhshan Bani-etemad执导的《蓝色面纱》(The Blue Veiled)获得了瑞士洛迦诺国际电影节“Bronze Leopard”大奖。《静脉注射》是她的第9部电影。 Mohsen Abdolvahab于1957年出生于德黑兰,毕业于IRIB大学编剧专业。Mohsen Abdolvahab曾在国际影展上获奖,同时他也坚持撰写剧本。他2001年的记录片《The Wives of Haj Abbas》 获得了荷兰阿姆斯特丹纪录片影展的大奖。目前已有23部以上作品的Mohsen Abdolvahab已经有25年以上的工作经验,是非常专业的记录片导演和编剧。
Bad Asses (also known as Bad Ass 2: Bad Asses) is a 2014 action film starring Danny www. chaoji365.com Trejo and Danny Glover, written and directed by Craig Moss. The film is a sequel to the 2012 film Bad Ass, and was released on DVD during spring 2014.
Since we last saw Frank, he followed his dream and opened a Community Center in East Los Angeles where he mentors young boxers, not only in the ring, but in life. When his prized student, Manny, gets in over his head with a bad crowd and winds up dead, Frank and Bernie team up, finding themselves ensnared in one life-threatening
Starting with the leading performance from the first diva in Mexican cinematography according to some (Andrea Palma), without forgetting Domingo Soler who also makes a great contribution to the cast in this film, then the great strength of the plot and the masterful direction by Arcady Boytler. All in all this movie cannot be considered less than excellent. So yes, maybe some of the scenes don't result quite the way they should, but most of them do. Particularly the scene from the carnival at the beginning of the movie and the last scene bring you to the verge of tears. Yes it also many elements of a catholic moral (Rosario lives in guilt, her way of paying her sins is by means of sacrifice), but we have to consider the movie was released in 1934 and the Mexican society of the time had those values dictating our lives and, weather we take this into consideration or not, I think the the plot is really really tough and the theme very strong. Maybe nowadays we have many movies with plots that are twice or thrice as tough, but I think this is still a great, great movie and has no soap opera can never even remotely compare with it. Also, it is one of the first movies with recorded sound in the Mexican film industry.