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漁業飛行員月岡和小林在無人島上的石洞目擊哥斯拉和一隻背面長出長刺的怪獸正在打鬥。返回大阪後,二人立刻報告, 對策本部立即被成立,並查那一隻長刺的怪獸叫「安基拉斯」,又是和哥斯拉一樣受氫彈試驗而蘇醒, 山根博士在沒有兵器對抗哥斯拉的情況下, 建議用燈光誘導怪獸回海的方法。 在燈火管制下,大阪灣出現哥斯拉,防衛隊在灣外發射照明彈作誘導。可是,有幾位囚犯趁疏散時逃獄,他們搶了運油車。為逃避警方追捕,他們在大阪市中飛車,由於車速過快,運油車失控撞進工廠,引發大爆炸,壤成火災,以致哥斯拉向著大阪上陸。破壞大阪上的建築物,後來更在大阪城跟安基拉斯死斗,哥斯拉最後咬死暴龍安基拉斯,再以放射火焰把安基拉斯火化,哥斯拉回到海中消失身影。 轉了公司一起到北海道的月岡,在那裡與從前的戰友再次相見。在大阪消失身影的哥斯拉突然在北海道海上被發現。哥斯拉更在神子島上陸了,轟炸機趕至並發動全面轟炸,但對哥斯拉完全沒有效。小林的飛機被放射熱線打中,接著墮機犧牲。在那個事故後引起雪崩的先兆,於是他們就對哥斯拉展開「雪崩埋沒大作戰」。月岡放出飛彈令雪崩發生,最後哥斯拉終於被雪和冰淹沒了。 由於沒有比核彈更利害的氧破壞劑,令山根博士對打敗怪獸感到悲傷,再次看出在他眼中只有核彈或氧破壞劑的思想,而忽略借用大自然的力量去對抗,「雪崩埋沒大作戰」便證明自然力量大於一切,即使一隻無敵怪獸王也輕意被推倒。
Shipwreck survivors are found on Beiru Island (Infanto tô), which was previously used for atomic tests. The interior is amazingly free of radiation effects, and they believe that they were protected by a special juice that was given to them by the island's residents. A joint expedition of Rolisican and Japanese scientists explores Beiru and discovers many curious things, including two women only one foot (30 centimeters) high. Unscrupulous expedition leader Clark Nelson abducts the women and puts them in a vaudeville show. But their sweet singing contains a telepathic cry for help to Mothra, a gigantic moth that is worshiped as a deity by the island people. The giant monster heeds the call of the women and heads to Tokyo, wreaking destruction in its path.