搜索"亚历山大·索科洛夫" ,找到 部影视作品
一个男人走进个黑暗世界,在陵寝般的门廊与棺材似的房间如梦游者行走。有时,声音细琐如飘溜耳际的空气;有时,它们又排山倒海狂怒袭来。胝人杀人,有人牺牲,神在哪里?什么又是这些人的罪恶与惩罚呢?通过精巧的光影控制,这片赭、褐色的世界,几乎打破黑白与彩色的分界,诗样的、冥想的,强调出亚历山大.苏古诺夫别树一帜的实验风格。厚郁的生命省思,毫无意外众多影评人视他为塔科夫斯基接班人的殷望。《呢喃语页》那个无名的"英雄",在某些层面,令人联想到塔科夫斯基的《安德烈鲁布烈夫》。 汉斯-乔钦史拉格评道:本片缓慢、沈思的步调,意不在动作,而是看不见的"内心演出",以及可见的《呢喃语页》。其目的是要让观众深刻地思虑"罪与罚"这个永恒的主题,同时也触及生命中的社会、宗教意义。由此来看,这部电影不仅在刻划"十九世纪俄语文学",更在暗指这个主题和今日俄国的相似性。这是苏古诺夫对他的时代,他的传统,所做的一次联结。
In Skazka, Alexander Sokurov weaves digital magic to create a phantasmagorical vision of the Afterlife, worthy of Dante. But wait: are we in the limbo of Purgatory, or a paradoxical Paradise reserved for notorious men of world history? Mussolini, Stalin, Hitler, Churchill and more: all are present and accounted for. Since they exist only as archival media images, each figure comes in a serial set. In the blackest of political comedies, these fallen men beg, in turn, to be let through Heaven’s Gate – but the angels who peek through never open wide. Little wonder, as the former leaders wander listlessly, bitching (in a Babel of multiple languages) about each other’s clothes, hair and hygiene. In what is effectively a work of animation, Sokurov has pulled together many talents into an extraordinary technological feat. It blends pictorial elements from art history to form an endlessly unfolding landscape, replete with fog and ghostly armies of the sacrificed victims of history. Announced as Sokurov’s last film, Skazka is an inspired riff on the high culture of Peter Greenaway mixed with the low culture of mash-up artists Soda_Jerk. Can we now expect some entrepreneur to bring us the interactive Skazka video game?
一位老母亲(Gudrun Geyer 饰)即将走到人生的终点,时间已没有意义,每一刻都会成为永恒。儿子(Aleksei Ananishnov 饰)陪在母亲身边,精心照料她的起居。他耐心倾听着母亲关于梦的叙述,带着她出外散心,为她读明信片。在秋风骤起的时节,这对母子默默地享受着这最后的聚会……