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故事发生在1939年的巴黎,女作家伊丽娜(奥黛·英格兰 Audie England 饰)正和著名作家劳伦斯(科斯塔斯·曼迪勒 Costas Mandylor 饰)打得火热,而就在这浓情蜜意的时刻,伊丽娜震惊的发现劳伦斯居然背着她四处沾花惹草,心高气傲的伊丽娜果断的选择了离开。 动荡的政局带来的是生活的困苦和拮据,在出版业极不景气的情况下,入不敷出的伊丽娜只得做起了人体模特的职业以此谋生,虽然经济状况因此有所好转,但整体情况依然不容乐观。就在此时,伊丽娜的经纪人告诉她,有一个神秘的顾客想要出高价购买她的作品,但题材必须和情欲有关。为了生存,对此题材毫无经验的伊丽娜做出了决定,毅然踏上了探索灵与肉的道路。
Kristin is the daughter of a prominent landowner in medieval Norway. She grows up in total harmony with the ideals of the time: strong family ties, social pride and devout Christianity. She accepts the fact that her father has arranged for her to marry the son of another landowner. Kristin's beauty and purity create violent emotions around her. There are envy and attempted rape, murder and revenge. She seeks refuge from the world in a convent, awaiting the time for her marriage. Here the passion of her life strikes, the knight Erlend Nikulaussonn. He, an accomplished seducer, also falls hopelessly in love. They have to cross not only convent walls to meet, but social boundaries as well. Their love cannot be kept secret, and suddenly the innocent Kristin is the centre of a scandal. Her fiance withdraws from their engagement, her father rages, and Erlend's former mistress tries to poison her. The affair grows into a political issue, and finally some of the country's most dignified leaders persuade Lavrans to give in. The lovers win each other, but it is in front of a charred altar in a burnt down church, and their happiness has a double edge. Written by The Norwegian Film Institute
少年们的生活可以很纯洁,也可以很残酷,很显然,泰利(Leo Fitzpatrick 饰)属于后者。打小在下层社会中摸爬滚打的他练就了一幅玩世不恭的态度,将世间的一切都不放在眼里,将所有的伦理道德都踩在脚下。泰利的一大爱好就是和朋友们一起去勾引纯洁少女并与其发生关系,这么做的原因一是满足欲望,而是源于泰利内心中对性病的恐惧。 女孩珍妮(科洛·塞维尼 Chloë Sevigny 饰)发现自己感染了艾滋,而她在不久前刚刚和泰利有过一段露水情缘。为了避免悲剧发生,珍妮想方设法追随着泰利的脚步,而此时,毫不知情的泰利正在对另一个女孩穷追猛打,当珍妮出现在他面前时,为时已晚。