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  On the morning of September 11, 2001, Paul McCartney was in New York City on an airport runway waiting to fly to Britain. As he absorbed the news of the unfolding tragedy, he wondered, “What can I do?” The answer, of course, lay in music.  McCartney reached out to master documentarian and long-time friend Albert Maysles, inviting Maysles to document his personal experiences on 16mm black and white film, a format seldom used in the digital age but of proven endurance and artistic quality. Over several weeks in October 2001, Maysles’ camera followed McCartney as he prepared for The Concert for New York City, a benefit he helped organize to uplift New York City during this period of uncertainty and vulnerability. The footage went unseen for years, requiring the passage of time to be put in perspective. Now, ten years later, Maysles, his directing partner Bradley Kaplan and editor Ian Markiewicz have emerged with an intimate work that explores the role of art and artists in a time of crisis.
故事发生在《加勒比海盗3:世界的尽头》沉船湾之战20年后。 男孩亨利(布兰顿·思怀兹 Brenton Thwaites 饰)随英国海军出航寻找被聚魂棺诅咒的父亲“深海阎王”威尔·特纳(奥兰多·布鲁姆 Orlando Bloom 饰),却在百慕大三角遭遇被解封的亡灵萨拉查船长(哈维尔·巴登 Javier Bardem 饰)。获取自由的萨拉查屠尽加勒比海盗,征服了整个海域,手刃了“黑胡子”爱德华·蒂奇(伊恩·麦柯肖恩 Ian McShane 饰)的里海海盗王赫克托·巴博萨船长(杰弗里·拉什 Geoffrey Rush 饰)在女巫Haifaa Meni(格什菲·法拉哈尼 Golshifteh Farahani 饰)口中得知了萨拉查的真实目的:为寻找他的宿敌杰克船长(约翰尼·德普 Johnny Depp 饰)。海盗的命运皆压在落魄的老杰克被封印的黑珍珠号,以...
记录的是披头士如何录制出经典名曲&专辑《Let It Be》。基于长达55小时的此前未曝光录像,包括披头士在录音室中制作的少见画面,拍摄时间为1969年1月2日-31日。1970年5月,《Let It...
  1963年秋天,为了从红透半边天的甲壳虫身上赚笔钱,美国的United Artists和甲壳虫签约拍摄一部电影,目的是得以在美国推出电影的原声唱片。他们找到Walter Shenson做制片,Richard Lester导演,在1964年拍摄了电影A Hard Day's Night。  Shenson在1963年秋甲壳虫前往美国前与他们接触,要求他们为电影创作6首歌——题材不限,但要有两首抒情歌曲,两首快节奏的舞曲等等。在加勒比海度假期间,他们创作了八九首歌,Dick Lester从中选出了六首用于电影中,这些歌曲是:You Can't Do That、And I Love Her、I Should Have Known Better、Tell Me Why、If I Fell、I'm Happy Just to Dance with You。3月2日拍摄开始前,甲壳虫在伦敦EMI录音室里录制了这些歌曲。其中演奏You Can't Do That的部分在电影推出时被剪辑掉了,但之前就做为Can't Buy Me Love单曲的B面发行,也仍然出现在美国版的原声唱片上。  电影拍摄从3月2日开始,至4月24日结束。影片用夸张的手法描述甲壳虫一天的生活,其主题来自John Lennon说过的一句话。当Lester问John他们的瑞典之行如何时,John答道:“It was a room and a car and a car and a room and a room and a car.”这句话稍加变动后被用在电影里,变成了“Paul的爷爷”的台词。  Shenson原先以为他可以随便找一首新歌的歌名作为电影题目,但这六首新歌都不太合适。拍摄期间,大家绞尽脑汁为电影找一个合适的名字。最后有一天,John和他聊天时提起Ringo有趣的语言,并举出“A hard day's night”为例。John自己在刚出版的《In His Own Write》也曾经使用过这个短语。大家一致同意它可以作为电影题目。于是John按Shenson的嘱咐,以此为题创作了电影的主题歌,并在4月16日拍摄电影期间把它录制下来。  美国出版的电影原声唱片只包括这七首新歌,但为了Parlophone的英国唱片,他们在6月回到录音室,又录制了5首新歌: I'll Cry Instead、I'll be Back、Any Time At all、Things We Said Today和 When I Get Home。加上电影里使用的他们之前发行过的单曲Can't Buy Me Love,英国的专辑唱片里一共有13首歌,全部是甲壳虫的原创歌曲。这是他们第一次能够推出一张全部原创的专辑。  这一成就主要应归功于John Lennon当时旺盛的创作力。在这13首歌里,9首都是他主笔创作的。Paul主笔创作了3首歌,并和John合作为George创作了I'm Happy Just to Dance With You。当然,按照主创者主唱的原则,John在这张专辑中的主唱也远远超过其他三人,甚至没有给Ringo一个表现的机会。  A Hard Day's Night的电影成为摇滚电影的经典,教给整整一代年轻人反叛的原则,而这张专辑标志着甲壳虫的创作进入了一个新的阶段,我们可以把它叫做“早期阶段的中期”吧?
  SINATRA: All or Nothing at All is an up-close and personal examination of the life, music and career of the legendary entertainer. Told in his own words from hours of archived interviews, along with commentary from those closest to him, the documentary weaves the music and images from Sinatra's life together with rarely seen footage of Sinatra's famous 1971 "Retirement Concert" in Los Angeles. The film's narrative is shaped by Sinatra's song choices for that concert, which Gibney interprets as the singer's personal guide through his own life.