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波尔达克 第三季
  英剧《波尔达克》(Poldark)在第二季开播之前,获得BBC1的第三季续订。《波尔达克》由出演过《霍比特人》(The Hobbit)的爱尔兰男星艾丹·特纳(Aidan Turner)主演,情节改编自Winston Graham的同名小说,讲述一名士兵从战场归来时,才发现 祖宅被毁,未婚妻也嫁给别人的故事。这部作品曾于1970年代被搬上电视屏幕,并播出了29集。2013年,BBC宣布将翻拍这部作品,Debbie Horsfield出任编剧。新版剧集由Mammoth Screen制作,ITV Studios Global Entertainment负责国际发行。《波尔达克》第一季的最高收视率达到940万人次,这一数字包括了BBC1的直播收看,以及BBC iPlayer上回看的观众数。
波尔达克 第四季
  Ross (Turner) must defend Cornwall from an empowered George Warleggan (Jack Farthing), and risks everything he holds dear as he embarks on a political journey which takes him to the nation's capital. Demelza (Tomlinson) finds her loyalties torn, Elizabeth (Heida Reed) tries to strengthen her marriage, Morwenna (Ellise Chappell) continues to be oppressed by husband Reverend Ossie Whitworth (Christian Brassington), and the Enyses (Luke Norris and Gabriella Wilde) are tested as never before.