搜索"罗尼·布莱克利" ,找到 部影视作品
美国独立二百周年之际,精心筹备竞选活动的总统候选人,穿插其中的社会名流,借机扬名的乡村歌手,疯狂追捧的歌迷,冷眼旁观的BBC记者……各色人物你方唱罢我登场。在盛大的晚会上,女明星被刺杀使整部电影达到了最高潮。“你可以说,我不自由,但我并不为此而担忧”——在片尾冷漠的歌声中,镜头迅速地掠过场下喧嚣的人群,在那些呆滞或扭曲的面孔背后,是已被大众文化腐蚀而失去独立意识的空洞灵魂。 擅长处理群戏的罗伯特•奥尔特曼以其出色的调度与控制力,在“喋喋不休”的对白与“混乱无序”的场景中,精确地描绘了越战阴影下美国芸芸众生的人情性态,并深刻揭示出普世欢腾气氛下的美国社会精神危机。本片获得奥斯卡最佳电影与最佳导演等提名,堪称美国70年代电影代表佳作。
"The Driver" is specialist in a rare business: he drives getaway cars in robberies. His exceptional talent prevented him from being caught yet. After another succeeded flight from the police, a self-assured detective makes it his primary goal to catch the Driver. He promises remission of of punishment to a gang if they help to convict him in a set-up robbery. The Driver seeks help from the player Isabelle to mislead the detective.
"The Driver" is specialist in a rare business: he drives getaway cars in robberies. His exceptional talent prevented him from being caught yet. After another succeeded flight from the police, a self-assured detective makes it his primary goal to catch the Driver. He promises remission of of punishment to a gang if they help to convict him in a set-up robbery. The Driver seeks help from the player Isabelle to mislead the detective.