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银狐、黑猫都是冷酷无情、杀人无数的杀手,她们自幼被杀手组织头目收养,并且身手敏捷,她们每次执行任务都战无不胜。 但是今次夺取杀手组织首领霍先生的犯罪证据的行动中,她们却遭到情报人员顽强的回击、银狐受重伤跌下海去失踪了,黑猫独个儿回报霍先生。后来银狐幸Rockey仔所救,两人渐生好感,在此银狐也与西兰花结为好友,西兰花慧是特种部队成员,因被仇家所害,被迫逃亡。霍先生得知银狐下落后。便派黑猫和蝎子去捉回银狐,银狐见黑猫后更恢复记忆,但她不愿重蹈覆辙,并请黑猫取那犯罪证据回去交差,但绝情的蝎子已先后把Rockey仔和黑猫杀死,幸好,西兰花及时赶到救走银狐,并夺回罪证。因此,霍先生便亲身与银狐、西兰花二人展开一场生死战。
'Mission of Justice' is an offering from the girls-with-guns genre that probably isn't as memorable as 'Yes, Madam', the 'In The Line Of Duty' saga, or the 'Angel' films(which were made prior to 'MOJ' and also star Moon Lee Choi-fung and Yukari Oshima), but it's still quite entertaining. The film combines espionage and commando-like action(Moon Lee and Yukari Oshima even wear brown camoflouge)in a story that takes place in the Golden Triangle in Southest Asia. Moon(Moon Lee) and Bullet(Yukari Oshima) are two agents who work for the supposedly ficticious Anti-Crime League led by Colonel Carry(Carrie Ng). There's a prolouge where Gary Daniels and Moon Lee are hunting eachother. Why it happens in the film is difficult to explain. Moon and Bullet are sent to spy on a woman named Yie Feng, who runs white slavery, counterfeiting, and drug smuggling rings. Yie Feng plans on selling large amounts of narcotics to a man named Somi and his henchman, Hans. Moon and Bullet recieve assistance from Mr. Ma( of Station 'B', in what I have to assume is Burma). When Mr. Ma is killed and Moon and Bullet's covers are blown, they join Colonel Carry and her troops in an attempt to bring Yie Feng, Somi, and Hans to justice. As with most girls-with-guns actioners, the plots are somewhat sub-standard in quality, the budgets are miniscule, the music scores(assuming it's not stock music) sound like something from a 3M advertisement from the 1970' or 1980's. Yet, where else are we going to see gorgeous women with solid acting skills and amazing athletic abilities kicking #@$? Usually, not in Hollywood. I, personally, enjoyed the film despite its shortcomings. This film probably isn't the best from the girls-with-guns genre, but it's worth a look.
毒枭韩山(王伟 饰)和齐仁(刘兆铭 饰)约定在青龙水上乐园进行毒品交易,得到线报的警察暗地潜伏,如果行动成功的话,他们便能够将两大团伙的头目一举拿下。哪知道,就在这个节骨眼上,出现了神秘人物齐越(吕良伟 饰)和秦冰(李赛凤 饰),导致警方的计划暴露,行动失败。韩山认为是齐仁走漏了消息,将他打死。这令齐越发誓一定要为父亲报仇。
赵成(吴镇宇 饰)本是韩山的部下,却起了僭越之心,逼迫韩山退位让贤。胡坚和燕虎(陈惠敏 饰)忠心护主,却都落得了惨死的下场。临死前,燕虎将组里的情报告诉了警方,警方派出得力干将唐枫(胡慧中 饰)试图将赵成的黑恶势力捣破。
地下赌场教父卓老大被人设计暗杀,其女卓胜男(胡慧中饰)继承社团领袖位置,并发誓为父报仇。而卓老大之死,实则为其仇家之子狄峰(方中信饰)所为。狄峰精于千术,专程由美回港报仇。而他的终极目标是令卓家身败名裂、家破人亡,遂派人骚扰卓胜男旗下娱乐场所,并要求与卓胜男进行一场赌局,赌注就是卓胜男名下的赌场。与此同时,与卓家有生意往来的日本山口组头目在香港被暗杀,山口组首领宫本次郎(万梓良饰)亲自到香港展开调查。一时间,卓胜男深陷两难境地,孤立无援。 王振仰执导的香港黑道电影《胜者为王》,由胡慧中、方中信、吴镇宇、麦德罗、西协美智子等大牌明星领衔主演。