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  《银河探险》是一套二十年前讲述太空NSEA保护者故事的电视科幻剧集,1982年停播,接近二十年后,饰演指挥官的贾森(蒂姆•艾伦 Tim Allen 饰),饰演博士的亚历山大(艾伦•瑞克曼 Alan Rickman 饰),以及格温(西格妮•韦弗 Sigourney Weaver 饰)等几位演员再度聚首,参加一系列粉丝见面会和商业活动。期间,一群自称塞米安人的怪诞粉丝跟随贾森到他的家里,疲惫的贾森发现这群塞米安人并非疯狂粉丝,而是真正的外星人!没有欺骗能力的塞米安人在收看《银河探险》后以为贾森等人是真正的太空英雄,他们在和宇宙恶徒萨里斯的对决中节节败退,于是远赴地球寻求保护者们的帮助,贾森和亚历山大等船员假戏真做,帮助塞米安人对抗宇宙邪恶势力……
前中情局特工弗兰克·摩西(布鲁斯·威利斯 Bruce Willis 饰)退休后远离杀戮战场,无比享受与莎拉(玛丽·露易斯·帕克 Mary-Louise Parker 饰)为伴的悠闲岁月。某天他毫无征兆地目击了老搭档马文·博格斯(约翰·马尔科维奇 John Malkovich 饰)惨死的一幕,自己也成为下一个被追杀的目标。一切源于冷战时代的龙葵之光计划,美国政府为了防止该计划流传网络,因此急于抹杀知情者弗兰克和马文。马文死而复生,救出被困的弗兰克,二人带着莎拉一路逃亡,寻找龙葵之光的关键人物。与此同时,维多利亚(海伦·米伦 Helen Mirren 饰)被英国军情六处命令追杀弗兰克等人,而曾和弗兰克有过交集的世界顶尖杀手韩朝培(李秉宪 饰)也受雇于美国政府尾随前来。久违的搏杀再起…… 本片根据华伦·埃利斯(Warren Ellis)和库里·汉默(Cully Hamner)的漫画改编。
  《银河探险》是一套二十年前讲述太空NSEA保护者故事的电视科幻剧集,1982年停播,接近二十年后,饰演指挥官的贾森(蒂姆•艾伦 Tim Allen 饰),饰演博士的亚历山大(艾伦•瑞克曼 Alan Rickman 饰),以及格温(西格妮•韦弗 Sigourney Weaver 饰)等几位演员再度聚首,参加一系列粉丝见面会和商业活动。期间,一群自称塞米安人的怪诞粉丝跟随贾森到他的家里,疲惫的贾森发现这群塞米安人并非疯狂粉丝,而是真正的外星人!没有欺骗能力的塞米安人在收看《银河探险》后以为贾森等人是真正的太空英雄,他们在和宇宙恶徒萨里斯的对决中节节败退,于是远赴地球寻求保护者们的帮助,贾森和亚历山大等船员假戏真做,帮助塞米安人对抗宇宙邪恶势力……
此前基努·里维斯、亚历克斯·温特已确认联手回归喜剧[比尔和泰德]系列第三部[比尔和泰德寻歌记],导演迪恩·帕里索特,该系列原编剧克里斯·马瑟森、艾德·索罗门操刀剧本。但近日里维斯却对该片能否如期而至表示不太确定。里维斯是在接受“雅虎娱乐”采访时透露的这一消息,他称由于一些幕后问题,该片能否照原计划进行现在并不确定。里维斯表示:“我们为这部片子已经等了很长时间,但现在还是存在一些‘挑战’。我很喜欢这个系列的这些角色,新片剧本已经就绪,故事很棒,但在‘资金、版权、合同’上还存在一些问题。”  [比尔和泰德]系列前两部[比尔和泰德历险记]、[比尔和泰德畅游鬼门关]分别于1989年、1991年上映,讲述了两个高中生穿越时空经历冒险的故事。新片则围绕两个已人到中年的好友再次开启时空探险、寻找“救命歌曲”展开。米高梅负责北美发行。
神探阿蒙  第二季
  Former police detective Adrian Monk (Tony Shalhoub), whose photographic memory and amazing ability to piece together tiny clues made him a local legend, has suffered from intensified obsessive-compulsive disorder and a variety of phobias since the unsolved murder of his wife, Trudy, in 1997. Now on psychiatric leave from the San Francisco Police Department and working as a freelance detective/ consultant on difficult cases, Monk hopes to convince his former boss, Captain Leland Stottlemeyer (Ted Levine), to allow him to return to the force. Stottlemeyer, who wavered between admiration for Monk and annoyance at his eccentricities during the first season, is becoming more of a friend to Monk as the series develops, frequently calling him in to help, as much for Monk's benefit as for his own. However, he knows Monk's limitations as well as his strengths and may still harbor doubts about the wisdom of allowing Monk to carry a gun or subdue a perpetrator. Stottlemeyer's second-in-command, Lieutenant Randall Disher (Jason Gray-Stanford), also seems to be developing both admiration and compassion for the man he once labeled "the defective detective."  Despite flaws and inadequacies all around, the three are becoming an increasingly effective team, with additional help from Monk's personal assistant. From the double-episode pilot through the first half of season three, Monk was aided by his nurse, Sharona Fleming (Bitty Schram). But in the tenth episode of the third season, Sharona was replaced by a new assistant, Natalie Teeger (Traylor Howard). Like Sharona, a divorcee with a son named Benjy, Natalie is a single parent, a widow with a daughter named Julie (Emmy Clarke). Unlike Sharona, Natalie is not a nurse but a former bartender with a fresh perspective on "Mr. Monk," as she still addresses her new boss.